
  • Today I Rise

    Today I Rise is imbued with the energies of transformation deep within your being. These frequencies release old outdated beliefs and emotions and make space for a life of ease, joy and unity with others. You are far more lovingly powerful than you can imagine and are here to bring positive change into the life of others. She will remind you that you are the phoenix rising from the ashes. The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are shipped worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.  
  • The Luminous Mind Awakens brings the remembrance of your Soul journey here on Earth. She will focus you on self love, compassion and on discovering your true unique talents and gifts to bring to the World, as we unify in the coming times of Change. These gifts are your gateways to true power and freedom in your life. She encourages you to follow pathways to empowerment before galloping upon the Wings of Destiny. The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are shipped worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.
  • Spirit of Light

    Spirit of Light will bring the magic of wildness, freedom and light to your life. Your Spirit yearns for the highest frequencies of adventure on the Cosmic and Earthly planes. Embark with her into the unknown territories that reside beyond the veil. The expansion of heart is ready to embrace love in all possible ways as you are guided back into the arms of the Divine. The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are shipped worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.  
  • Soft Divine Strength

    Soft Divine Strength gives you determination and persistence to overcome any  life challenges in order to attain your Spiritual goals. She will guide you to step into a Higher way of being, renewing your sense of connection to the Divine. Being a strong and effective leader in the new World requires your unwavering focus and opening your heart to others and to how we are all connected. The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are shipped worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.  
  • Secret Doorways in the Silence brings awakening and a deepening of psychic vision. She will encourage you to take leaps into the unknown when the correct opportunities arise for your unique path. Trust that what is necessary will come to you without any force or stress. Focus on what you love to do in your life. Let go of what no longer serves you mentally and emotionally. All is ready to unfold. Let the loving nurturing mother jaguar lead to back to the path of the heart. The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are shipped worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.  
  • Owl Medicine

    Owl Medicine brings third eye activations and the ability to see the unseen. Intuitive wisdom will open to you with her specific codes and help you discern your truth in all situations.  She will encourage you to observe your surroundings and listen to the signs that are an answer to your questions. You are an old Soul and can now allow yourself to continue to expand and develop your inherent wisdom that is ready to emerge. The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are available to ship worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.  
  • Our Shared Innocence

    Our Shared Innocence brings you through the portal into your own magical being and to connect with Mother Gaia. She awaits through the eyes of this beautiful Soul. It is time to heal the wounds of separation and allow her to embrace you with all her heart. You are her Divine child and she is calling you back into her arms once more. Surrender and allow yourself to go back to your true Mother. The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are available to ship worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.  
  • Into Me and See

    Into Me and See has the power to give you the pure reflection of your beauty, wonder and Light. All false negative beliefs are unveiled as you sit in pure silence looking into these eyes of love. Breath, be silent and relax your body deeper and deeper. There is nothing required to say or do nor any effort to prove yourself anymore. Set the intention to unpeel any dense layers as you settle back into the bliss of your divine essence. The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are available to ship worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.  
  • Into The Light

    This white horse guides you fully into Spirit. She is the maternal archetype acting as the bridge to Heaven and Earth. Together you will be guided through the portal into the interconnectedness with all. Journey with her through the gateway to have a higher perspective on life in the whole Cosmos. The answers are waiting to be revealed! The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. I ship worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.
  • Heart Connection

    Heart Connection encodes you with the ability to communicate in harmony with those around you and with the unseen Worlds. She will help you speak through your heart at all times in order that your voice emanates the highest of frequencies for the receiver. With this softened integrity your life can only blossom into loving interconnectedness with all. This is what your Soul is here for in this lifetime! The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are available to ship worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.
  • Dance of Soul Whispers

    Dance of Soul Whispers. The white horse represents the Avatar or Master of Knowledge and Faith. This Spirit Animal brings command of emotions and manifests perfect Justice. Listen to her whispers guiding your Soul back home and allow her to awaken your hidden inner wisdom that you are here to bring the World. This innate wisdom you hold is precious and many are waiting to be enlightened by its codes. The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are available to ship worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.  
  • Breathe With Me

    Breathe with Me slows you down and brings your focus to the ebb and flow of your beautiful unique breath. Remaining with her in silent practice opens the doorway within for balance and love to enter. As you breath you eventually notice that the breath harmonises with the mysterious breath and rhythm of Mother Gaia herself. Eventually you both become One. The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are available to ship worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.  
  • Awakening Perfection

    Awakening Perfection brings the codes to remember that you are already Love. She brings cleansing and a release of the old because it is written in your Akashics that at this time your heart is ready to truly accept yourself in all ways. With this awakening you are here to guide others back to their perfection but continue your inner work in order to allow more Light to shine from within. The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are available to ship worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.  
  • Awake to this Moment brings peace and harmony. Now is all there is and in this magical place she will guide you to plant the correct intentional seeds for your Soul journey. She is deeply loving and wishes to awaken within you all that is truly your heart’s desire. What are your wishes to bring into your life? How can you fully live your life from a higher Soul perspective in all areas? What intentions can you plant today for those you love, for humanity and mother earth? These seeds are powerful! The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are available to ship worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.
  • A Silent Reign

    A Silent Reign represents balance within the Soul and is here to remind you to be true to yourself in all ways. She will steer you back into alignment if you become lost in the outside World distractions or if you become too focused inwards forgetting to share your talents in service to others. Everything is about balance and when you are, a whole new World will open up for you. Listen, listen,  listen to the voice within. The Archival Pigment Print is produced with the latest inkjet print technology employing Epson Ultrachrome HDR archival quality pigment inks on museum quality fine art paper. All prints are personally signed and shipped in a robust cylinder ready for framing and mounting. Items are available to ship worldwide. Please note: all measurements are approximate.  
  • A Quiet Doorway Opens is imbued with mystery and intrigue. She wishes to connect with you, quietly, in a contemplative space and to guide you softly into the depths of your heart. Once you feel this process is complete allow her to open your heart more and more, to encode it with the grace and love of the Divine. You are ready to remember your own mystery and beauty. Oil on canvas 60cm x 90cm.