Oil on Canvas

  • Awakening Perfection brings the codes to remember that you are already Love. She brings cleansing and a release of the old because it is written in your Akashics that at this time your heart is ready to truly accept yourself in all ways. With this awakening you are here to guide others back to their perfection but continue your inner work in order to allow more Light to shine from within. Oil on canvas 76cm x 122cm.
  • Awake to this Moment brings peace and harmony. Now is all there is and in this magical place she will guide you to plant the correct intentional seeds for your Soul journey. She is deeply loving and wishes to awaken with you all that is truly your heart’s desire. What are your wishes to bring to bring in to your life? How can you fully live your life from a higher Soul perspective in all areas? What intentions can you plant today for those you love, for humanity and mother earth? These seeds are powerful! Oil on canvas 60cm x 75cm.
  • A Silent Reign represents balance within the Soul and is here to remind you to be true to yourself in all ways. She will steer you back into alignment if you become lost in the outside World distractions or if you become too focused inwards forgetting to share your talents in service to others. Everything is about balance and when you are, a whole new World will open up for you. Listen, listen,  listen to the voice within. Oil on canvas 50cm x 70cm.  
  • A Quiet Doorway Opens is imbued with mystery and intrigue. She wishes to connect with you, quietly, in a contemplative space and to guide you softly into the depths of your heart. Once you feel this process is complete allow her to open your heart more and more, to encode it with the grace and love of the Divine. You are ready to remember your own mystery and beauty. Oil on canvas 60cm x 90cm.