Oil on Canvas

  • A Silent Reign represents balance within the Soul and is here to remind you to be true to yourself in all ways. She will steer you back into alignment if you become lost in the outside World distractions or if you become too focused inwards forgetting to share your talents in service to others. Everything is about balance and when you are, a whole new World will open up for you. Listen, listen,  listen to the voice within. Oil on canvas 50cm x 70cm.  
  • Transformation Through Felt Perception brings the ability to remain focused within your body, integrating sensations and emotions and breaking through to new ways of embodiment on this Earth plane. You are here to bring higher codes to the earth plane, but to do so requires the ability to be in your body and with your breath. She will guide you softly to areas in your body requiring love and attention. As you reconnect with hidden parts there will be great relief as you release and heal that which is no longer necessary. Continued guidance from her eventually brings shining Light awakening from inside you. Oil on canvas 80cm x 80cm.  
  • Today I Rise is imbued with the energies of transformation deep within your being. These frequencies release old outdated beliefs and emotions and make space for a life of ease, joy and unity with others. You are far more lovingly powerful than you can imagine and are here to bring positive change into the life of others. She will remind you that you are the phoenix rising from the ashes. Oil on canvas 150cm x 100cm.  
  • A Quiet Doorway Opens is imbued with mystery and intrigue. She wishes to connect with you, quietly, in a contemplative space and to guide you softly into the depths of your heart. Once you feel this process is complete allow her to open your heart more and more, to encode it with the grace and love of the Divine. You are ready to remember your own mystery and beauty. Oil on canvas 60cm x 90cm.