Oil on Canvas

  • Spirit of Light will bring the magic of wildness, freedom and light to your life. Your Spirit yearns for the highest frequencies of adventure on the Cosmic and Earthly planes. Embark with her into the unknown territories that reside beyond the veil. The expansion of heart is ready to embrace love in all possible ways as you are guided back into the arms of the Divine. Oil on canvas 100cm x 120cm.
  • Untamed Heart encourages you to focus inwards, releasing the need to absorb all your energies in the outside/material plane. Trust that the Universe is providing all you require. Once you release your attachments and expectations, abundance and magic can come to you. Your heart wishes to be open to embrace life and give and receive love in all forms. Oil on canvas 100cm x 120cm.
  • We burn like Stars symbolises wild freedom of the soul. This totem will teach you to ride into the coming New World discovering your power and liberty. Stay focused as together you ride into the age of Light. She will encourage you to stay positively focused on weaving your new life, and in the releasing of your true loving talents into the World. Each time you sit with her give gratitude for three gifts this life has given you. Oil on canvas 120cm x 100cm.
  • Today I Rise is imbued with the energies of transformation deep within your being. These frequencies release old outdated beliefs and emotions and make space for a life of ease, joy and unity with others. You are far more lovingly powerful than you can imagine and are here to bring positive change into the life of others. She will remind you that you are the phoenix rising from the ashes. Oil on canvas 150cm x 100cm.