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    Great things always begin from the inside.

    The Inner Luminous Light Voyage

    You are about to embark on a deep journey within your being to become a powerful leader and co-creator of the new Earth. This is a very multilayered transformative path  for those who are truly ready to step into a much higher version of themselves. If you have been on your healing journey and yearn to fully step up then this is for you. With the wisdom of ancient and modern systems you will first become deeply embodied in your body. This course is full of immense tools and techniques to discover your Soul Blueprint and how to unlock your highest potential and essence. You will unveil what has been holding you fully back in your life, opening of your heart to true love self and others, and fully stepping into service. Through journeying, meditations, fun physical exercise, nutrition, breath-work, teaching and guidance of powerful systems you will become very clear of your Soul journey and embody health and vitality within.  This section of the journey brings a grounded enjoyment of being in your body in order to release the inner love in your heart and brings a flow and zest for life. Our journey continues by deprogramming the subconscious in order to bring in your highest timelines. You will discover how to remain above the matrix in a powerful way. Here you become deeply soverign and powerful in your mission. Through quantum healing, light language and powerful activations you will learn to walk your path effortlessly and with grace holding the highest of frequencies. Through activations and upgrades you will connect with your Star Family and Galactic teams and deepen your channeling abilities. This powerful, final section of the journey will activate your Soul Blueprint and leadership codes awakening your clarity of your mission at this time. You will also discover how to fully connect with Mother Earth and become her guardian. The intent of this container is  that you are fully empowered within in all areas of your life and you are fully following your path with grace and ease. By doing so you are then grounded and ready to co-create your Divine mission on a New Earth along with your powerful guides and fellow Souls. You will have all the tools and techniques to walk on Earth impeccably loving you, your life and deeply strong in stepping into your multidimensional mission fully to bring full love, sustainability and unity back to Earth. Please send an email to to book a call. Gill is excited to connect with you. Begins September 22nd    
  • We burn like Stars symbolises wild freedom of the soul. This totem will teach you to ride into the coming New World discovering your power and liberty. Stay focused as together you ride into the age of Light. She will encourage you to stay positively focused on weaving your new life, and in the releasing of your true loving talents into the World. Each time you sit with her give gratitude for three gifts this life has given you. Oil on canvas 120cm x 100cm.
  • This white horse guides you fully into Spirit. She is the maternal archetype acting as the bridge to Heaven and Earth. Together you will be guided through the portal into the interconnectedness with all. Journey with her through the gateway to have a higher perspective on life in the whole Cosmos. The answers are waiting to be revealed! Oil on canvas 100cm x 70cm.
  • What the Heavens will Provide brings trust and ease that all you require will open within and shower down from the Heavenly Celestial realms. You can release all fear and open to oneness within your heart. She encodes your being with a deep surrender within the cells of your body, and awakens the gifts dormant within your DNA. Prepare and allow for the highest of frequencies to emanate from you and share it with humanity and mother earth with gratitude. Oil on canvas 75cm x 60cm.
  • Our Shared Innocence brings you through the portal into your own magical being and to connect with Mother Gaia. She awaits through the eyes of this beautiful Soul. It is time to heal the wounds of separation and allow her to embrace you with all her heart. You are her Divine child and she is calling you back into her arms once more. Surrender and allow yourself to go back to your true Mother. Oil on canvas 80cm x 80cm.
  • Untamed Heart encourages you to focus inwards, releasing the need to absorb all your energies in the outside/material plane. Trust that the Universe is providing all you require. Once you release your attachments and expectations, abundance and magic can come to you. Your heart wishes to be open to embrace life and give and receive love in all forms. Oil on canvas 100cm x 120cm.
  • Awakening Perfection brings the codes to remember that you are already Love. She brings cleansing and a release of the old because it is written in your Akashics that at this time your heart is ready to truly accept yourself in all ways. With this awakening you are here to guide others back to their perfection but continue your inner work in order to allow more Light to shine from within. Oil on canvas 76cm x 122cm.
  • Into Me and See has the power to give you the pure reflection of your beauty, wonder and Light. All false negative beliefs are unveiled as you sit in pure silence looking into these eyes of love. Breath, be silent and relax your body deeper and deeper. There is nothing required to say or do nor any effort to prove yourself anymore. Set the intention to unpeel any dense layers as you settle back into the bliss of your divine essence. Oil on canvas 40cm x 50cm.
  • Breathe with Me slows you down and brings your focus to the ebb and flow of your beautiful unique breath. Remaining with her in silent practice opens the doorway within for balance and love to enter. As you breath you eventually notice that the breath harmonises with the mysterious breath and rhythm of Mother Gaia herself. Eventually you both become One. Oil on canvas 45cm x 35cm.
  • Spirit of Light will bring the magic of wildness, freedom and light to your life. Your Spirit yearns for the highest frequencies of adventure on the Cosmic and Earthly planes. Embark with her into the unknown territories that reside beyond the veil. The expansion of heart is ready to embrace love in all possible ways as you are guided back into the arms of the Divine. Oil on canvas 100cm x 120cm.
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    You know where to find me holds support, encouragement and reassurance on your Life Path. She will ensure you remain safe on your journey and nurture all the correct elements of yourself so you can grow spiritually. Any crossroads in your life purpose, relationships or places to live shall be clarified once you sit with her and allow her soft voice of loving guidance to come through. Oil on canvas 70cm x 90cm.
  • Dance of Soul Whispers. The white horse represents the Avatar or Master of Knowledge and Faith. This Spirit Animal brings command of emotions and manifests perfect Justice. Listen to her whispers guiding your Soul back home and allow her to awaken your hidden inner wisdom that you are here to bring the World. This innate wisdom you hold is precious and many are waiting to be enlightened by its codes. Oil on canvas 120cm x 100cm